Google Knowledge Panel

Google Knowledge Panel

Greetings, digital enthusiasts and trailblazers of the digital world! If you’re looking to make a mark in the digital realm, we’ve got a secret weapon for you – the elusive Google Knowledge Panel. At AdsumPR Digital Solutions, we’ve been crafting these digital gems for years, and we’re here to spill the beans on why you absolutely need one today.

What is a Google Knowledge Panel?

In simple terms, it’s your golden ticket to digital stardom. Google Knowledge Panel is that nifty little info box that appears on the right-hand side of the search results when you look up a person, brand, or entity. It’s the digital calling card that showcases vital information at a glance, making you stand out in the vast digital wilderness.

Why Is It Crucial in Today’s Digital Landscape?

In this fast-paced digital era, where information flies at the speed of light, having a Google Knowledge Panel is like having a VIP pass to the internet party. Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

• Credibility Boost: It’s like having your own digital badge of authority. People trust what Google shows them, and a Knowledge Panel gives you instant credibility.

• Visibility Galore: Want to be found? This is how you get found. Your panel ensures you’re front and center when people search for you.

• Showcase Your Best: Control the narrative. You get to decide what information is highlighted, ensuring your best foot is always forward.

Why Choose AdsumPR Digital Solutions?

• Expertise: We’ve been in the game for years, crafting Knowledge Panels that shine.

• Personalized Service: We treat your digital identity as our own, ensuring it’s a perfect fit for you.

• Affordable Excellence: Top-tier service doesn’t have to break the bank. Our pricing is competitive, and our results are outstanding.

About our Pricings :

Package Name Services Offered Price Discounted Price ( Till 15th October 2023)
Individual (Entrepreneur/Notable Person)
Basic Knowledge Panel with name and date of birth only
₹15,000 + GST
₹10,000 + GST
Completely Knowledge Panel (Individual)
Complete & Claimed Knowledge Panel with support
₹25,000 + GST
₹20,000 + GST
Complete Knowledge Panel with support
₹30,000 + GST
₹25,000 + GST
Company/Brands/Enterprises Knowledge Panel
Knowledge Panel with top-notch support
₹50,000 + GST
₹45,000 + GST


Plus, here’s the kicker: Our Knowledge Panels are rock-solid. Even if, by some cosmic fluke, it gets deleted (a 1% chance, mind you), we’ll recreate it for you without any extra charges.


Get in touch with us today, and let’s make your digital presence shine brighter than ever before with your own google knowledge panel!